Mar 8, 2015

An invitation for people in recovery

Someone from the local syringe exchange program sent me the following request. Looks worthwhile. Participate if you can.


Hello everyone, I am trying to get the word out about an upcoming project that I will be helping out with for the Cincinnati Exchange Project. Please feel free to forward the following info...

This Is Recovery – We Are So Much More Than Our Addiction.

Cincinnati Exchange Project is excited to launch our public/social media campaign, “This Is Recovery.” Our mission is to provide a platform for addicts to share the stories of their lives beyond their addictions.

We are looking for recovering addicts who are willing to participate in our photo campaign. You will be photographed but the photo does not need to show your face, it can be your hands, your feet, whatever you would like. You may chose to give us your name but that is not necessary either.

You are perfect for our project if you identify as an addict/former addict/recovering addict. We don't care what your addiction is/was and your recovery is self-defined. Your participation may help inspire other addicts to seek help and show the community at large that there is a life beyond addiction and that our lives matter.

We would like to begin photographing in March and hope to begin the campaign in April. For more questions or info please email

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